
Imagine a World where all children can attend a school.

Imagine IF We Could Make It Happen.

There are many more villages that need urgent help and it is


who – with a small donation – can make a difference and help us build another school.

old collapsed school in Bac Kan / alte eingestürzte Schule in Bac Kan /
old classroom in Nghe An / altes Klassenzimmer in Nghe An

Donations are welcome to our Austrian EURO-bank account IBAN: AT69 2011 1829 1746 8500


Alternatively, you can use your mobile app and then, within your banking app, scan the QR code below to get account details for any donation.


IBAN: AT69 2011 1829 1746 8500


Donations are also possible through Paypal, either using the link below or our Paypal mail address

  • Sao Bien has an amazing track record of more than 50  completed school projects in the last 7 years
  • Sao Bien is registered in Austria and thus follows strict Austrian and EU laws
  • Sao Bien is on the Austrian Financial Authorities’ List of tax-beneficial charity organizations (you can download the so called „Steuerbegünstigungsbescheid” for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 issued by the Austrian Financial Authorities, here)
  • Sao Bien’s financial statements are audited by international auditing companies annually
  • In 2022, Sao Bien received the certificate for  operation in Vietnam. The registration as Foreign NGO will facilitate closer collaboration with local authorities
  • Sao Bien’s lean organization ensures that donations don’t get lost in overhead costs, but reach the children that need help most
  • Cross-border co-operations with local partners and the collaboration of an experienced Austrian-based team with a dynamic local team in Vietnam brings together the best of two worlds
  • Smaller donations can make a big difference, as only around 15.000 - 20.000 Euro are needed to build a school for around 50 children
  • On Sao Bien’s Facebook Page, you can follow current projects and how your donation is used
  • Donations are possible to our Austrian bank account through so called Lastschrift, PayPal or credit cards.

Tivoligasse 72/23

1120 Vienna - Austria

+43 650 7832537